10 Fun Ways To Get Social With Friends While Social-Distancing
“I’m a pretty active person so I’ve challenged myself to get socially creative during this season of being homebound. I have coordinated virtual activities ranging from themed trivia nights, cooking challenges, personalized snail mail to friends and some other hands-on favorites to make me feel closer to my loved ones. Below are some of my more personalized tips for being social during social distancing.” - Taryn, Events Team Coordinator
1. Virtual Trivia & Game Nights
Weekly a group of my friends & I play virtual trivia. Each week a new quiz master creates the trivia questions and we recently had a David Bowie themed trivia night for a friend’s birthday. Below are some fun resources!
2. Virtual Crafting Date
I love to get creative, and virtual crafting dates with my friends have made home hangouts more enjoyable. Some of my favorites are listed below.
3. Snail Mail
I’ve sent friends and loved ones letters with custom cocktail recipes inside. My favorite stationery is at Shop Shorthand in Highland Park, and I’ve listed some other notable LA favorites as well.
4. Virtually “Go Out To Dinner”
Dress up, set your table, and order take-out from the same restaurant together. It will feel like you’re dining out at your favorite spot with a friend.
Check out our restaurant guide HERE for ideas!