CMC to Host Vegan Fashion Week & Ukrainian Fashion Week Collaboration
Vegan Fashion Week® Joins Forces with Ukrainian Fashion Week to Share a Strong Message For The Planet
While Fashion Week is about the clothes on the runway, it’s also a creative medium of expression, an insight into the environmental, socio-economic and political situation of the world. This year’s event comes with a strong message inviting all people to reflect on the importance of compassion as a pillar of world peace, to highlight the connections between humans, biodiversity, and the pressing need to stop our negative impact on the planet and its inhabitants.
This important fashion collaboration aims to introduce the best of Ukrainian sustainable fashion through a fully Vegan Fashion Shows, a Marketplace and authentic Conversations surrounding Ethics and Sustainability in Fashion hosted by the newly renovated California Market Center in downtown Los Angeles during LA Market Week.
This historical event will be showcasing an entirely cruelty-free experience from the fashion we wear, the beauty we put on our skin, and the food we eat. It encapsulates a world where ethics and trends intersect as a celebration of human evolution.
Ticket purchases and additional donations will benefit the VFW Mentorship Fund, which provides continued support for emerging fashion designers to increase exposure and business opportunities in the US market. This season’s event benefits will support Ukrainian Fashion Designers.
Vegan Fashion Week and Ukrainian Fashion Week announced partnership
“Тиждень моди – це не просто демонстрація одягу на подіумі, це також засіб творчого вираження, розуміння екологічної, соціально-економічної та політичної ситуації у світі. Цьогорічна подія має сильний меседж, який запрошує всіх поміркувати над важливістю співчуття як основи миру у всьому світі, підкреслити зв’язки між людьми, біорізноманіття і нагальну потребу зупинити наш негативний вплив на планету та її мешканців. Ця важлива fashion співпраця має на меті представити найліпші зразки українських sustainable брендів у колективному показі, у шоурумі, а також відбудуться дискусії про етику й значення sustainable у моді. Захід відбудеться в нещодавно відремонтованому California Market Center у центрі Лос-Анджелеса.
[While Fashion Week is about the clothes on the runway, it’s also a creative medium of expression, an insight into the environmental, socio-economic and political situation of the world. This year’s event comes with a strong message inviting all people to reflect on the importance of compassion as a pillar of world peace, to highlight the connections between humans, biodiversity, and the pressing need to stop our negative impact on the planet and its inhabitants. This unique fashion collaboration will introduce the best of Ukrainian fashion through a collective runway, a designer showroom and authentic conversations surrounding ethics and sustainability in fashion hosted by the newly renovated California Market Center in downtown Los Angeles.]”
What you need to know about the new Ukrainian Fashion Week initiative
L’OFFICIEL UKRAINE • July 26, 2022
“Мода є найбільшою, найгучнішою платформою для захисту прав людини та демократичних цінностей. Мода – це інклюзивність, різноманітність, стійкість і свобода вираження поглядів. Як представник культури, модна індустрія не залишається осторонь і щодня допомагає боротися за Україну під час цієї жахливої війни.
Українські дизайнери використовують свої навички шиття, щоб підтримати українську армію, жертвують гроші на потреби біженців, волонтерять і всупереч жорстоким обставинам продовжують творити.
Так, 51-й сезон Ukrainian Fashion Week стане міжнародним. Організаторів вже підтримали Malta Fashion Week, Budapest Central European Fashion Week, Berlin Fashion Week, Transilvania Fashion Festival, Vienna Fashion Week, MBFW Madrid, Brussels Fashion Week, Vegan Fashion Week (Los Angeles at California Market Center).
[Fashion is the biggest, loudest platform for the defense of human rights and democratic values. Fashion is about inclusiveness, diversity, sustainability and freedom of expression. As a representative of culture, the fashion industry does not stand aside and helps fight for Ukraine every day during this terrible war.
Ukrainian designers use their sewing skills to support the Ukrainian army, donate money to the needs of refugees, volunteer and, despite cruel circumstances, continue to create.
Thus, the 51st season of Ukrainian Fashion Week will become international. The organizers have already promoted Malta Fashion Week, Budapest Central European Fashion Week, Berlin Fashion Week, Transilvania Fashion Festival, Vienna Fashion Week, MBFW Madrid, Brussels Fashion Week, Vegan Fashion Week (Los Angeles at California Market Center).]”
Vegan Fashion Week signs exclusive partnership with Ukrainian Fashion Week for next edition
“‘As we continue to focus on the responsibility of our movement to incubate and strengthen the future of vegan fashion, we are incredibly humbled and proud to welcome Ukrainian Fashion Week as this year’s guest and take the opportunity to introduce their exceptional vision to our international audience’, said Emmanuelle Rienda, founder of Vegan Fashion Week.
’I look forward to activating our partnership and parallel dedication to celebrating creativity in meaningful design.’
This unique fashion collaboration will introduce the best of Ukrainian fashion through a collective runway, a designer showroom and authentic conversations surrounding ethics and sustainability in fashion hosted by the newly renovated California Market Center in downtown Los Angeles.”
Vegan Fashion Week and Ukrainian Fashion Week Join Forces to Share a Message For The Planet
“While Fashion Week is about the clothes on the runway, it’s also a creative medium of expression, an insight into the environmental, socio-economic and political situation of the world. This year’s event comes with a strong message inviting all people to reflect on the importance of compassion as a pillar of world peace, to highlight the connections between humans, biodiversity, and the pressing need to stop our negative impact on the planet and its inhabitants. This important fashion collaboration aims to introduce the best of Ukrainian fashion through a collective runway, a designer showroom and authentic conversations surrounding ethics and sustainability in fashion hosted by the newly renovated California Market Center in downtown Los Angeles.”
Inside the Industry
Vegan Fashion Week and Ukrainian Fashion Week will be joining forces in Los Angeles Oct. 10–12 at the California Market Center. The two organizations share the same values of creativity within the context of sustainability. “While fashion week is about the clothes on the runway,” said the new partnership in a release, “it’s also a creative medium of expression, an insight into the environmental, socioeconomic and political situation in the world. This year’s event comes with a strong message inviting all people to reflect on the importance of compassion as a pillar of world peace and to highlight the connections between humans, biodiversity and the pressing need to stop our negative impact on the planet.” For more information, visit